Monday, March 4, 2013

“Dreams Don’t Have Deadlines”
Welcome to Nancy’s Circle of Friends! I’m excited to share our new music CDs and book with you!  I’d also love to share the unusual journey that this project has taken.  Why unusual?  Because this project began some 29 years ago!  That’s when I wrote 14 songs for a morning time and bedtime album.  I recorded a demo tape and sent it to a few children’s record companies.  It was so exciting when two companies responded with a “yes,” but then something even more wonderful happened. That was the birth of our first child, Jacob.   Nothing was more important to me than being a full time Mom, so I declined both offers.  My songs sat on the shelf for many, many years.  And I mean many! 
Flash forward 26 years.  Jacob and our daughter Sara were grown and living on their own, and the inspiration to revisit these songs hit me.  I am so grateful that the little spiral notebook containing the lyrics found its way through my life!  Off the shelf it came and I asked Jacob if he would like to record these songs with me because he is a talented orchestrator and arranger.  Slowly the project unfolded, an additional 12 songs were written and instead of an album, we had made 2 CDs. 
And so the project that had been shelved all those years ago due to the birth of my son was actually completed with the help of my son.  What a beautiful full circle!  Recently I watched an interview with LL Cool J, who said, “dreams don’t have deadlines.”  What a perfect quote to introduce our CDs Brand New Day and Is It Bedtime Already?. 
Please visit to listen to song samples and learn more about us!